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Lectures & Media

Dr. Mulla has given many talks about her research over the years. In October 2021, she participated in the Distinguished Lecture Series in Anthropology at the New York Academy of Sciences. In this talk, she discussed issues related to anti-Blackness, care and punishment in sex offender sentencing. She has also discussed her first book, The Violence of Care on WYPR’s Maryland Morning, explaining how the study finds that sexual assault interventions can be deeply challenging to victims’ sense of security and confidence. She was also featured in the Spotlight series for the Sexual Harms and Medical Encounters Network. She and her co-author, Heather Hlavka, appeared on the New Books Network podcast to discuss Bodies in Evidence. Mulla has also appeared on Talking Research and Imagine Otherwise. Some of her public writing includes work for Anthropology News and American Anthropologist

New Books Network Podcast: Bodies In Evidence

The New Books Network is a consortium of author-interview podcast channels dedicated to public education. The podcast covers 100+ subjects, disciplines, and genres. 

Bodies In EvidenceSameena Mulla
00:00 / 01:04

Distinguished Lecture

Sameena Mulla - Distinguished Lecture Series - October 4, 2021
Sameena Mulla - Distinguished Lecture Series - October 4, 2021

Sameena Mulla - Distinguished Lecture Series - October 4, 2021

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Imagine Otherwise: Christen A. Smith, Dána-Ain Davis, and Sameena Mulla on Cite Black Women

Imagine Otherwise: Christen A. Smith, Dána-Ain Davis, and Sameena Mulla on Cite Black Women

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